19 Jan by Kristin Martin

The showcase at Greenup is cancelled for tomorrow! As previously stated in the showcase update – we will be practicing in place of the showcase tomorrow for Club Teams. It’s going to be COLD, so we’re attempting to keep in the “warmest” part of the day and to give everyone plenty of time to get there and/or make arrangements for their child today if they have to.
Youth: 12P – 2P & Senior 2P – 4P

Also Youth – NO PRACTICE TODAY. It was more for an extra day for the showcase but now that we are practicing Saturday it is not as necessary.

I know there are a ton of bugs and sickness going around – but we are at crunch time with not much time to spare. Make sure to mask the kiddos up if needed, keep them hydrated, give them vitamins LOL. There is a very high chance we’ve all either gotten something already or will – and we have sick kids every single year competing on the mat in Florida. Its unfortunately that time of year but this is the time they learn to push through!

See you all tomorrow – give yourselves plenty of travel time to get there safely and on time <3

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