Link for Family Tickets - NEW LINK THAT IS WORKING

23 Jan by Kristin Martin

Finally, after multiple attempts, our registration number works. HOWEVER, this is ONLY for the wanting tickets to the parks AND the competition. They are NOT cutting off tickets to competition only and those are available at the gate the day of. I’m sorry to anyone who was told differently and caused panic – this is why it important to wait for official updates from staff and not follow advice of others. When we do not share something, there is a reason for it. Our registration number was not working to link you with our program. So with that said – here is the link for those wanting DISNEY tickets included with your competition entry tickets.
Drop to: Discounted Park Tickets and Event Extras
Click: CLICK HERE to purchase discounted park tickets and event extras.
Customer Number: 34949859

Please – hold other questions other than this specific topic. And do not jump to conclusions or assumptions if you happen to see a schedule – it is not finalized and often times will change a lot. If you share with family/friends prior to the finalized schedule that we put out as staff after the change cut off we are provided internally via varsity – we are not responsible for plans made if you didn’t wait for the final schedule from us.

We are hearing a TON of misinformation being passed around among parents. Please realized where there are this many kids and one bit of incorrect information is given, then spun through the grapevine, what you thought was simply helping can become a huge problem and we are the bad guys when we say if they were provided incorrect information from anyone but us, its not on us. Just being forward and frank – which is exactly what has to be done when dealing with this many people.

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