Sponsors - all teams! (Fixed silver level)

11 Jan by Kristin Martin

I attached a new social media graphic to grab attention for sponsors! All teams can take part, 18U have those older girls go in businesses in uniform or pride gear! Same for youth! Especially if you’re struggling to pay – this helps! This also helps the program and allow parents to not pay for things like mat transportation, signs, Poms, megaphones, behind the scenes program accounting and business fees, scholarship athletes, pizza and party at nationals and other events, speakers – you name it we have never charged parents for these things because general fund covers it! ❤️

Refer to Jessi’s sponsorship update on this app for the letter to share, email and print to distribute!
It also tells the details of the amount you will get to apply to remaining fees.

Also- I am looking to find a creative volunteer parent to take over posting sponsors to our social media via instagram, special thank yous and just general stuff that needs done regularly but I do not have time (or focus energy) for. We will give you the instagram login and allow you to freely post appreciation, sponsor logos, etc. We may also have this person login to our account and create the banners, order them and organize parents to take down old and hang new! These are all super important things and I just simply do not have time to execute them the way they should while focusing on the programs and kids ❤️

Private message me if you’re interested – this would solely be a volunteer opportunity.

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